Why choose a COLORBLOCK site?

Your business is new.
Or your budget is minuscule.
Or you just need simplicity.

Colorblock sites are simple, modern, one-page websites, built on Squarespace and launched in 4 days.

Simply designed around one main color, a second color for pop! and a unique font, Colorblock sites are perfect for new businesses or entrepreneurs who don’t know exactly what they need yet (but know that they need a website), businesses with reeeeally teeny budgets, and anyone who loves color and simplicity.


How Much?

$595, plus monthly Squarespace fee*
*$18/mo with email through G Suite, which we highly recommend



How it Works

Step 1. Scroll to the bottom of this page to Reserve Your Spot.

Step 2. Fill out the form, including your desired start date, along with design/color/font preferences. You’ll also need to choose your sections and copy and paste in your content here. Once you hit submit, you’ll be directed to paypal to reserve your spot.

Step 3. Then it’s our turn!

On Day 1, we’ll design two cover pages – essentially, the main screen on the website that your visitors will see first. This will include the logo font, body font, color, and main image. You’ll choose the one that speaks to you. If neither works for you, we’ll do one more cover page for you, based on feedback.

On Day 2, we’ll build your site in Squarespace.

On Day 3, we’ll send you the secret password for your new site, and you’ll give it the once over to make sure we didn’t make any typos, plus one round of feedback. You don’t like it, we change it!

On Day 4, we launch!



Are you ready for a modern website that doesn’t break the bank yet looks like a million bucks?